Now Hiring: Postdoctoral researcher position in insect neuroscience and genetics

We have an opening for a postdoctoral researcher interested to work in the Giraldo lab at the University of California, Riverside on a project recently funded by the W. M. Keck Foundation: Deciphering social communication in stress-tolerant honeybees. The postdoc will be responsible for generating transgenic bees, performing behavioral assays, bee husbandry, and 2-photon calcium imaging in bees in response to odor presentations, working both in the lab and outdoors. The postdoc will be supervised directly by Dr. Giraldo and work collaboratively with members of the Baer Lab and the Center for Integrative Bee Research (CIBER).

Applicants should have a strong background in insect neuroscience and/or genetics. In particular, candidates with experience in multiphoton imaging and CRISPR are encouraged to apply. Beekeeping experience is not required; however, the postdoc must be open to work with our apiary manager to care for bees outdoors. Prospective postdoctoral researchers should contact Ysabel Giraldo and provide an updated CV, statement of intent, and contact information for three references.

The Giraldo lab works on the neurobiology of locomotion and sensory processing in insects. In addition to this project on bees, other research projects in the lab focus on insect orientation and visual processing in Drosophila, behavioral and physiological responses to altered gravity, and effects of pesticides on insect flight.


Postdoctoral researchers will be supported by the lab for a minimum of 1 year with possibility of renewal for two more years. Salary is commensurate with experience and a benefit package (full medical) is included.


UC Riverside is one of the ten campuses in the prestigious University of California system. The UCR Department of Entomology has been ranked No. 2 worldwide by the Center for World Universities (April 2017) and No. 1 by the U.S. National Research Council.


UC Riverside is centrally located in southern California about 40 miles east of Los Angeles and 75 miles north of San Diego. Riverside was recently named one of America's top ten Most Livable Communities. The Pacific Ocean, San Bernardino Mountains, ski areas, and deserts are located within an hour drive.